Meet Kenna Reef. A PRO MUA answering your industry questions
We sat down to chat with Kenna Reef a fresh face on the PRO MUA beauty scene to bring you all the industry and glow up recaps you crave!
Kenna, what was your inspiration and how you made your first steps in the industry?
-I have always been drawn to art no matter what way it presents itself in life, and I always wanted to have a career that was art based, through lots of trial and error, I ended up finding my way into the makeup world! My first job in the industry was working at the KKW Beauty and Kylie Cosmetics pop up shops in 2018.
What was the most challenging part for you in becoming a pro/celebrity MUA?
-To say that my journey of becoming a professional makeup artist has been easy would be a lie! It is a constant hustle and doing a lot of jobs for free with little recognition. There have been many times that I did not know if I would be able to pay my bills that month, but I have ALWAYS ended up hustling to figure it out! I feel like life rewards those who have good intentions, and are hard workers! There is no set schedule, and no clock in and out time, I am essentially always on the clock, or always having to be ready to get booked! It is hard for my friends who have regular 9-5 jobs to connect in person often, and relate to my life. I have missed out on so many social events which is often hard, but for me it is all worth it in the end when I accomplish my goals I have set for myself!
What keeps you going?
-The highs in this industry definitely make the lows worth it! Seeing my growth in the industry and everything I have accomplished in such a short amount of time! I am constantly meeting new people that inspire me creatively, and make me want to push my boundaries and try things I have never tried before. Seeing everyones reactions to my work is also an amazing feeling! I just feel so lucky that I get to do what I love everyday, and get paid for it!
What advice would you give to aspiring MUAs?
- There are a million aspiring makeup artists, so find what makes you stand out, and always keep practicing and perfecting your craft! Keep your ego out of it, stay humble, and avoid drama! Always be open to meeting new people and diving into new opportunities. Something I always say is "No work is free work." Meaning take those unpaid/collab jobs because it will be those jobs that end up getting you paid in the future! And my last bit of advice is ALWAYS GRIND AND HUSTLE, because if you aren't there's going to be another makeup artist out there that is!
Kit Secrets -do you have any product tricks or any unconventional products that you use as your secret weapon?
-ABSOLUTELY!! I am all about glowy dewy skin, but having it look natural! My favorite hack is using an illuminator all over the face right after you apply moisturizer. It makes the skin look CRAZY, but as soon as you put the foundation over it, it gives the perfect luminous glow from within! Currently my go to illuminators are the BB+ illuminators by Gerard Cosmetics
Where can people check our your work and contact you?
-You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @kenna.reef or on my website at www.kennareef.com